Remains of Kendrom Chain Home Low Radar Station
Photos of the remains of the Kendrom Radar Station, Isle of Skye, taken in September 2011, September 2012 showing the approximate OS map grid reference co-ordinates.
BingMaps satellite image of Kendrom Chain Home Low Radar Station.
Link to high quality Bing Maps satellite image (opens in a new window)

Main Tx/Rx Block on hill and Power block by road

Main Tx/Rx block interior facing South NG 452 738.

Main Tx/Rx block interior facing North NG 452 738.

Side of main Tx/Rx block showing gantry mountings NG 452 738.

Blast wall at South end of Tx/Rx block NG 452 738.

Unusual line of bricks in North blast wall of Tx/Rx block NG 452 738.

Tx/Rx block North wall NG 452 738.

Tx/Rx block South wall NG 452 738.

Hawser wire loop in concrete block near South end NG 452 738.

Hawser wire loop in concrete block and concrete pad near North end NG 452 738.

Concrete pad East of main block at NG 453 738, purpose unknown.

Concrete base for Nissen hut at base of hill NG 449 738.

Concrete pad next to power supply block, purpose not known, possibly fuel tanks NG 450 737.

Concrete pad next to power supply block, purpose not known, possibly fuel tanks NG 450 737.

Power supply block main entrance, South side NG 450 737.

Concrete pad in Power block yard NG 450 737.

Power supply block rear wall and South side wall NG 450 737.

Ground plan of the station Tx/Rx block.
OS Map | Landranger 1:50,000 Map 23 |
OS Map | Explorer 1:25,000 Map 408 |